About Conference
You are cordially invited to participate in our first on-line conference “Pierwsza Wirtualna Konferencja Naukowa Kampusu Ochota (WKNKO-1)” to be held in Warsaw at the Ochota Campus of the University of Warsaw June30-July 1, 2020.
The official language of the conference is either Polish or English.
The conference is organized by using the resources of the Digital Competence Center of the University of Warsaw.
The Conference is specifically addressed to PhD students of the Faculties of Biology, Chemistry, Physics (including also the Astronomical Observatory), Geology, Geography and Regional Studies, as well as Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, students of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences, and all the researchers from the University of Warsaw.
The posters in the poster sessions will be displayed on the e-platform for two days, from June 30 to July 1, 2020. The discussion of the results with the posters’ authors will be able with the use of the platform facilities. Each active participant of the conference will receive a certificate. The abstracts will be collected in a book of abstracts published in a pdf form. An official ISBN number will be allocated for the abstract book.
The PhD students are allowed to present up to two posters in which they are the first or principal authors.
Prizes may be awarded for the best poster presentations.

Date: June 30-July 1, 2020
Deadline for submitting poster abstracts: June 5, 2020
Deadline for acceptance of poster abstracts by the Program Committee: June 15, 2020
Fee: free of charge
Virtual Location: The Internet platform of the Digital Competence Centre of the University of Warsaw, which will be launched in early June.

The programme will include plenary lectures, delivered by invited guests, and PhD students. The poster sessions are divided in five categories:
Physics and Astronomy
Geology and Geography
Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
Plenary lectures:
Dr hab. Andrzej Dragan „Relativistic effects in quantum theory”
Prof. dr hab. Anna Bajer „(Prawie) cała prawda o kleszczach w lasach, parkach i na łąkach”
Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Grochala „Obserwuj kolory. Jakościowe myślenie w chemii w XXI wieku bez obliczeń kwantowomechanicznych”
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Krogulec, Dr Sebastian Zabłocki „Analiza suszy hydrogeologicznej – od monitoringu do praktycznych aspektów”
Dr hab. Bogdan Zagajewski, associate professor „Zastosowanie teledetekcji w badaniach środowiska przyrodniczego”
Prof. dr hab. Anna Gambin „Modeling COVID-19 epidemic in Poland”
Dr hab. Dorota Rosińska „Astronomia fal grawitacyjnych – nowe odkrycia”

Registration and abstracts
1. Active participation in the conference
Please register on the online platform by 5 June 2020.
2. Passive participation in the conference
Please register on the online platform by 21 June 2020.
Manual for Participants
Poster session
Posters can be uploaded on the platform: June 26th (12:00) – June 28th (23:59)
The Organizing Committee
Conference Chairman:
Prof. dr hab. Michał K. Cyrański. Faculty of Chemistry UW
Conference Vice-Chairmans:
Prof. dr hab. Radosław Przeniosło, Faculty of Physics UW
Dr hab. Ewa Borsuk associated professor, Faculty of Biology UW
Dr hab. Zbigniew Rogulski, Faculty of Chemistry UW
Dr hab. Urszula Somorowska, associated professor, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies UW
Dr hab. Paweł Traczyk, associated professor, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics UW
Dr hab. Anna Żylińska associated professor, Faculty of Geology UW
Conference Secretary
Mgr Damian Połomski, Faculty of Chemistry UW
Conference Committee members
Mgr Łukasz Cheda, Faculty of Chemistry UW
Mgr Maria Dąbrowska, Faculty of Biology UW
Mgr Jakub Kierdaszuk, Faculty of Physics UW
Mgr Aleksei Koshevarnikov, Faculty of Physics UW
Mgr Beata Kubiszyn, Faculty of Geology UW
Mgr Bartłomiej Polaczyk, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics UW
Mgr Karolina Połczyńska, Faculty of Physics UW
Mgr Aleksander Rodek, Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences UW
Scientific Committee
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Bulska Acting Director of CENT UW
Prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Dobrzyń, Director of the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS
Prof. dr hab. Maciej Jędrusik, Dean of Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies UW
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Krogulec, Dean of Faculty of Geology UW
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kudelski, Dean of Faculty of Chemistry UW
Dr hab. inż. Renata Mikołajczak, associated professor, National Centre for Nuclear Research
Prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Mostowska, Dean of Faculty of Biology UW
Prof. dr hab. Paweł Strzelecki, Dean of Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics UW
Prof. dr hab. Michał Szymański, Director of the Astronomical Observatory UW
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Tiuryn, Director of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences UW
Prof. dr hab. Ireneusz Walaszczyk, Head of the Council for the Discipline of Earth and Environmental Sciences UW
Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Wasik, Dean of Faculty of Physic UW
Prof. dr hab. inż. Władysław Wieczorek, Dean of Faculty of Chemistry WUT
Email: wknko@uw.edu.pl
Program Committee
Astronomy and Physic: Prof. dr hab. Radosław Przeniosło Radek.Przenioslo@fuw.edu.pl
Biology: Dr hab. Ewa Borsuk associated professor borsuk@biol.uw.edu.pl
Chemistry: Prof. dr hab. Michał K. Cyrański mkc@chem.uw.edu.pl
Geology and Geography: Dr hab. Anna Żylińska associated professor anna.zylinska@uw.edu.pl and Dr hab. Urszula Somorowska associated professor usomorow@uw.edu.pl
Mathematics and Informatics: Dr hab. Paweł Traczyk, associated professor traczyk@mimuw.edu.pl
